Monday, July 24, 2006


So our mission was to find out why the eucalyptus trees are being grown here (instead of native trees), which industries are involved, and the economic and environmental effects.

For the video to have context, we decided we wanted some establishing shots of the town, so everyone agreed I should sit on the luggage rack and we should drive slowly to get them best. The only other mzungu (whitey) wanted to come along with me for the adventure. All the Kenyans refused out of embarassment. I wish I could have taken a picture of people's faces, because considering there are near to no white people around and near to no people riding on roofs, we might as well have been a white rhino parade with the looks we got.


At 2:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie. a very large copy of this picture found it's way into a frame. I am so happy your trip sounds so interesting and fun for you, I wish I were able to come to visit. I love and miss you. Mom

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ending about being a white rhino parade made me laugh out look so happy and thrilled up on the van! Fuck ya, use that video camera!

At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so stoked for you! This is such a great life experience for you. I hope I will be able to do exciting and adventerous stuff soon. (Maybe I need to hang out with you more often). Kate I am really proud of you that you are doing all this. Your an awesome person! I just wish I could be that other chick on the roof with you. Love ya. See you soon!


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