Thursday, October 05, 2006

Ng'ongo (licking in Luo... but if said like a ? means How are you?)

In this little colonial town (by which I mean, it was the land of the British and still is huge mansions on huge plantations largely owned by whites) outside of Nairobi is the Giraffe Sanctuary.

Apparently these giraffes were saved from something, although "what" they were saved from exactly remains a mystery. Some of them are endangered species of giraffes.

There you get to feed and pet giraffes.

You can even have them grab food from your mouth, but I didnt get enough encouragement to try it myself.

Look at their huge heads! Eyes! Tongue!

Actually their tongues are really long and useful. They can wrap it around twigs and then pull them off trees.

Apparently Wathogs and Giraffes like each others company in the wild and the the Giraffe Center.

Giraffes are gentle and peaceful.

The world's end can never be reached
by means of traveling through the world,
Yet without reaching the world's end
there is no release from suffering.

Therefore, truly, the world-knower, the wise one,
gone to the world's end, fulfiller of the holy life,
having known the world's end, at peace,
longs not for this world or another.

-Buddha, "The Connected Discourses of the Buddha"


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