Friday, September 22, 2006

Dont be jealous...

To get to Kericho and Busia, where my housemate (my "producer") and I were talking to MPs, we had to go by taxi.

On the back window is a swahili phrase

"Don't be jealous
Get your own"

So...Dont be jealous of our ride. Our driver Walter was a sweet heart and the car, managed ok although there was something definitely wrong with it by the time we left (it was making very loud noises). Together we shared a fun experience in Kericho- police corruption. The police stopped us and tried to arrest us (more like intimidate us, to get a small bribe). The supposed reason was that we weren't wearing seatbelts (but that's because the ones in the car were broken). If it weren't for Walter and Rachel's aggressive behavior back to them then I don't know that I could have gotten away so easily. You really have to fight for your rights.

Lesson learned: 1. Pretend you have a seatbelt 2. Dont be intimidated by men welding large machine guns 3. If that fails fight so strongly when accused of anything that you intimidate the intimidators into thinking that they better let you go or they will get in big trouble. Which is actually probably true.

Hopefully its my last run in with the law...

Rachel, Me, my buddy Seth, and one of the few women Members of Parliment Christine Mango and our driver Walter.


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