Monday, September 04, 2006

Food and fun in Kisumu

Loice cooking mandazis, sweet deep fried african "doughnuts". The stove called a jico, is used all over Kenya, with coals. Not the best stuff to breathe in as you can imagine. The neighbors had a funeral a while back and were cooking so much that the coal smoke was even making me cough, and I was next door!

Slowly though, fuel is taking the place of charcoal which burns cleaner. It's too bad people doesn't invest in making castrol oil for fuel, because that tree grows wild all over here and is said to be a great biofuel.

I see an investment opportunity...


At 2:07 PM, Blogger Farmer Marley said...

Brilliant blog Katie!(just saw it first time...)

The descriptions and photos really bring it all to life, makes me feel like I am there, and the analysis is keen, shows that you got your eyes open. I am sure any film you make will be great!



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