Thursday, August 03, 2006

The value of $12

A good friend of mine here runs a really cool grassroots organization

It basically takes 1000 shilings from all its members once a month(which is about $12).The money is then given as micro-grants to sustainable projects.

For example, Leah Onyango (my mama in Kisumu) got one of these grants
to help run a social enterprise she started. She manages a resturant where all
the profit goes to a feeding program for orphanes, on the weekend.
She even has a counselor come talk to the kids (which is a major accomplishment

sooo....I was thinking maybe some of my friends from back home might want to donate
once or join. You know, skip dinner one night and feel good knowing that some of that is paying for AIDS orphanes to eat. And I know the people that run it and I
have seen some of the projects to get it, so I can certify its authenticty.

If so, I would be happy to pay up front for you here (since sending checks is hard and I have shilings- you dont). Then you can pay me back...

Let me know. And check out


At 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kt you rock. Put a donation in a $12 donation for me and I'll get you back. Have fun, and be safe!

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie, count me in for $12 as well. I'll send you a check once you get back into the states!

Love you!

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Throw another $12 for Jeff as well. So I owe you $24!

I just showed Jeff your blog and he was just amazed at all the wonderful things you are doing over there!!!

We miss you!

At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

amazingly late but in hopes worth the wait I too, of course have meant to donate dinero to such a whole hearted interest powered by passion. If you have enough I'd like to give 36$... for now. Bless your hearts use all that God gave you. Katie I love you thank you so much. much but neverto much much love from crystal


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